Excessive Sweating

  • Treatment photo

Excessive sweating, armpit sweating, stained clothes, problems in the summer. This is also known as hyperhidrosis. It can be an embarrassing problem for you, putting a limit on your social and work life. We understand these delicate issues and at Skinesse we can offer you a solution to your problem with delicate and expert placement of anti-wrinkle injections under your armpits. The procedure is relatively painless and the results are fantastic.  Your confidence will grow and you will never need to worry about this again. This is a highly sought after treatment and with such fast and effective results, patients travel from far to visit Dr Nishel Patel at his skin doctor clinic in Gerrards Cross and Beaconsfield.
The procedure itself is quick, comfortable and can be done within your working day. Contact us and find out more about this treatment.

  • Medical led injection technique
  • Long duration of action
  • Safe and sterile procedure

Book your appointment today to discuss how we can help you with excessive sweating.

  • Who will perform the procedure?
    Our expertly trained doctors will perform the injections. It is not painful and treatment usually takes about 30 minutes.
  • How do I know if I am suitable?
    Our highly qualified medical team will take a thorough history and assess your suitability for treatment.
  • Are there any side effects?
    No, this is a safe procedure with no downtime.
  • How long until I see results?
    Typically results start after 1 week and last between 3-6 months.
  • How much does it cost?
    Prices depend on the individual and will be discussed at consultation but typically start from £400.

*Individual results may vary.

Treatment Overview
Excessive Sweating at Skinesse Clinic
  • Procedure Time Less than an hour
  • Full Recovery 1-2 days for swelling to settle, minimum downtime
  • Anaesthetic Topical numbing cream if preferred
  • Results Within 2 weeks
  • Duration of Results 3-6 months
  • Risks & Complications minimal swelling/ bruising which settles within days

*Individual results may vary.

"Thank you so much Skinesse - I love my new lips!"

Lisa age 54

*Individual results may vary.
